⑴ 求翻译:资产证明(我已给出中文)
Assets that
I certify that Mr. XXX, (ID number: XXX), My company's shareholders and as a Board of Directors. As of December 31, 2009, holders of shares of stock XXX to XXX the day's closing price per share, a month, a total market value of approximately RMB XXX million.
Hereby certify that.
XXX Company
January 19, 2010
⑵ 急求留学资产说明英文翻译!好的追加100分!
My family xx million of existing funds, which will act as I went to Australia to study the full cost. Australia xx-year cost of about xx million yuan. We will provide proof of funds xx million. Million in time deposits which have xx and xx million loan. Another xx million Australian dollars to provide support to prove.
Home financing comes mainly from long-term savings and a variety of financial management.
Xxxx parents began to participate in work, length of service near xx years, a more stable job, have some savings at home. Especially me from xx to xx in xxxx year full scholarship, but also allow parents to save a fee.
Financial management areas: home management is mainly stocks, funds and bond investments. Are more profitable investments of the Fund. Xx to xx in the bull market years, the fund has near xx million profit. Fonda has easy investment fund companies; Huaan fund companies; sea Fortis fund companies; South fund companies; Jiashi fund companies and other fund company's many funds, which invest in a single easy to Fonda's many fund companies funds, dividends and profits of the nearest xx million. (See Annex)
xx month xx years, parents will fund all redemption funds to the stock account, the purchase of new shares and stock investment. Xx to xx on xx day in the stock account xxxx million total funds. (See attached) xx years some of the funds buy the bonds, fixed deposits, financial management and so on. To the present, through the accumulation of wage and financial investment, the funds available xx million yuan.
Of which:
1: Treasury has xx million years xx on xx are stored in so far exceeded xx months, but I could not guarantee payment, xx in xx in xx months to the day the stock exchange into RMB account; (see table)
2: one-year time deposits has xx million; (see table)
3: Everbright Bank has a quarterly basis, fixed-rate financial management xx million xx to xx months after the expiration of the year, to xx million Australian dollars; (see table)
4: the stock account has xx million of funds, together with the turn from the treasury of the xx million, has xx million. (See table)
Parents of the existing wage xx million / year or so, and have purchased a house, have xxx square meters (see table) the mortgage has been repaid, there is no debt, xx million in wages enough parents were living, there are savings.
⑶ 办签证,股票做为资产证明的问题
⑷ 我想去海博译翻译个人资产证明文件大概多少钱
⑸ 银行流水翻译可以去跟银行要吗还是要自己翻译拿来办签证的。
1. 在银行柜台打印3-6个月的银行流水,加盖银行印章,交给正规翻译公司进行专业翻译,翻译件内容与原件一致,排版美观大方,并加盖翻译公司翻译专用章,涉外专用章,所有翻译件均为A4纸大小符合领事馆文件要求。
2. 如果银行出具中英文对照版银行流水,可以找正规翻译公司制表排版,并加盖翻译公司翻译专用章、涉外专用章。不建议用户直接将银行的打印纸原件提交上去,不仅不符合文件格式要求,也显示出申请者的随意,不利于过签。
1. 银行流水要足够多(3-6个月),简单粗暴的表明你有足够的资金来支持此次旅游、居住所需的花费。
2. 银行流水足够稳定,每月有固定的收入,比如工资、奖金等
3. 银行流水的余额充足,欧洲短期旅游每天要保持500-1000欧元的消费能力,余额总量5万元以上为佳,领事馆一般不做要求,过低的收入不利于签证申请。
4. 在银行流水的基础上可以适当利用其它资产证明自己的经济实力。比如:房产证、车辆所有证、股票账户对账单、银行理财对账单等作为资产的辅助证明(只有少数国家接受信用卡消费账单,比如意大利)。
提交父母或担保人的不低于存额为 6万人民币左右(不含学费)的银行对账单或存折原件 。
⑹ 帮忙翻译谢谢(有关股票证券)
Stock Trading Statement issued by GF Securities Company
This Stock Trading Statement issued by Haikou Longkun Northroad Department of GF Securities Company is proced to demonstrate the asset and trading of stock XX.
The issuing date of this statement is August 4, 2009. And the document states that "XX stock account holds 5478 shares of 'Black peony', and the total market value is RMB 53244 as of 11:01 am, August 4, 2009 " .
The statement shows that the total assets of XX stock account is RMB 53484.99 as of 11:01 am, August 4, 2009.
⑺ 求”财产证明”的英文翻译
Property Certificate
⑻ 股票资产证明的翻译
This is to certify that XXX[名字] has opened an account in our department for stock trading purposes. The account number is XXXXXXX[账号]. The account balance as of XX[几月] 2008 is XXXXX[资金余额] Yuan, market value XXXX[证券市值] Yuan. The total of the two items described above equals to XXXX[合计] Yuan.
⑼ 翻译<<资金证明>>
To whom may concern
Mr.WangXiaohu owns the No.14-24 real estate at XiYi Road, LiShuiXinLian Instry Zone. Those estate had been for lease since January 2006, the monthly income is RMB11382.5 Yuan, the annual income is RMB136590 Yuan. The tax receipt number is 4406059001932.
Hereby to certify the lease contracts are all true.
XinLian Village Committee
6th Augest 2007
资金证明(Capital Certificate)
西一路(No.1 Rd West)
⑽ 资产证明,职业证明,学历证明的翻译是:什么意思
Asset certificate, professional certificate, Ecation certificate.