『壹』 有没有关于中国股市的英文文章或者网站。。。。。。好着急啊
『贰』 求一篇有关股票市场的文章或者新闻,最好是英语的,谢谢
『叁』 关于中国股市制度缺陷及纠正的外文文献
3、国际化改革。我们的市场规则、行为模式要和国际的最佳规则、最佳模式接轨,按照WTO的协议开放证券服务业。中长期应该实现股票市场,包括二级市场双向自由开放,让国外的蓝筹股在上海的证券交易所自由上市,交叉挂牌。适时修改法规,允许存托凭证的实施,国内基金、国外资本的自由出入。■ 全科论文中心http://www.issncn.net 全科论文中心http://www.issncn.net
『肆』 谁可以帮我写份关于股票与股票市场的英文论文啊
建议你写好了然后找高人翻译成 英文的嘿嘿
『伍』 有没有什么关于中国股市的英语文章
Stocks nosedive after record high close
China stocks took a roller coaster ride in the first two sessions after the Spring Festival, suffering a record daily tumble Tuesday after reaching an all-time high the previous day.
The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index, which tracks the bigger of China's stock exchanges, fell 268.81 points, or 8.84 per cent, to 2,771.79, the biggest fall in points since the index was launched. The Shenzhen Composite Index, which tracks the smaller of China's bourses, plummeted 66.3 points, or 8.54 per cent to 709.81. The Shanghai and Shenzhen 300 index of major companies in the two bourses, lost 250.18 points, or 9.24 per cent to 2,457.49.
Led by big caps, more than 900 stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen fell the daily limit of 10 per cent.
The Instrial and Commercial Bank of China, the nation's biggest lender, tumbled 7.86 per cent to 4.69 yuan. China Life, the country's biggest insurer, lost 9.02 per cent to 33.89 yuan. Instrial Bank, which made an A-share debut this month, was down 10 per cent to 24.11 yuan.
China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation (Sinopec), Asia's biggest refiner, fell 10 per cent to 8.90 yuan.
China Vanke Co., the nation's biggest property developer, went from 9.97 percent to 14.26. Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., China's biggest steelmaker, dropped 9.98 percent to 9.02. Citic Securities Co., the nation's biggest publicly traded brokerage, lost 9.70 per cent to 36.21 yuan.
The decline came as some investors judged the Shanghai Composite Index's record closing high Monday to be excessive relative to earnings potential, according to Bloomberg News.
"The market's very sensitive as it's been trading at record levels and some stocks are considered overvalued," Fan Dizhao, who helps manage about $1.8 billion with Guotai Asset Management Co. in Shanghai was quoted as saying.
"Investors are nervous about recent rapid gains and aren't convinced further share-price increases can be sustained."
Speculation about possible measures against illegal capital also dragged on the stocks, hexun.com reported.
The government is to introce a series of measures to push the illegal capital out of the equity market ring the annual session of the National People's Congress, China's top legislature, and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the country's top advisory body, the China Banking Regulatory Commission revealed Tuesday morning, according to speculations.
Some analysts deemed the dive another round of natural correction as profit-taking pressure increased after the Shanghai index topped the psychologically important level of 3,000.
『陆』 毕业论文摘要翻译成英文 内容是中美两国股票市场内容
With the increasing dependence on the economic system of international financial market, China's main board market, which can be regarded as a barometer of China's economy, also shows its relevance to the international stock market. August 2015 August 18 - 25, five trading between Chinese, American and Japanese stock market ushered in the stock market crash will this issue once again pushed to the attention of the platform.
This issue mainly through the Chinese Shanghai Composite Index and the U.S. Dow Jones Instrial Average Index from 2005 -2015 10 years of stock index data contrast, and then determine the U.S. stock market impact of the general law of China's A shares. Through the simple understanding of the linkage model of the domestic and foreign economists and the empirical test, the correctness of the general law is proved according to the analysis results. The main conclusions are as follows:
First: the U.S. stock market has a strong impact on China's stock market. Although the economic environment of developed countries started late, but the development model has become mature, the strong linkage between the various developed countries, China's economic market is still in a state of imperfect, relatively speaking, it should be more influential, and must be accompanied by China's macro-control policies;
Second: the impact of the stock market in China and the United States is being affected by the impact of a single American stock market on the Chinese stock market and the stock market. This reverse effect is still in the bud, but in the rapid economic growth of China's economy, China's impact on the United States will also be more and more.
『柒』 求有关证券市场信息披露或内幕交易或监管方面的英语文章一篇,字数1000就可以了,要有文章出处和中文译文
Shame fills a vacuum in China's financial law enforcement
THE vast gaps in the regulations governing China's financial markets are nosecret. The risks are spelled out in mind-numbing detail in every Chinese shareprospectus issued to Western investors. They run the gamut from the possibilityof full-blown Communist expropriation to bad accounting, insider trading,market manipulation and fraud.
There are enough prosecutions to indicate that mischief-making goes on,but not enough to make enforcement appear credible. Even when there are rules,the line between acceptable and unacceptable conct is often unclear, and someactions are patently unfair. There is, for example, no “full” disclosure law,no match of regulation FD in America.Companies frequently meet investors selectively. The information that emergescan include changes in senior management—and hence strategy—and be ofextraordinary value. In more developed markets, aggrieved shareholders kept inthe dark could fire off private lawsuits; but private litigation in Chinais allowed only after the state has determined malfeasance.
Given these shortcomings, Chinamight well be shunned by investors, but it is not. Its Shanghaiand Shenzhen stockmarkets—though falling sharply this year—were togethermcapitalised at $3.9 trillion at the end of January, more than in any country inthe world except America andJapan.Despite their size, the markets are not efficient, however. Share-pricemovements, according to several studies, do not fit as closely with financialresults as in other large markets. That is not only bad for investors; it alsoundermines the stockmarket's broader economic job of channelling capital towhere it can best be used.
Name and shame 美名与恶名
Plenty of studies demonstrate the role of a good legal environment tofinancial markets. But Benjamin Liebman and Curtis Milhaupt, two professors at Columbia LawSchool, argue in a forthcoming paper*that, whatever the limitations of the scope and enforcement of China's laws,another form of regulation has quietly emerged. Drawing on China's traditions, the authoritiesnow also discipline wrongdoers using public criticism.
许多研究都证实了良好的法治环境在金融市场中的重要角色。但是Benjamin Liebman和Curtis Milhaupt,两位哥伦比亚法律学校的教授,在即将发表的论文上,将论证无论中国法律的限制范围和执行度如何,另一种管制方式已经悄然兴起。它源于一种中国传统,即权威机关正使用舆论批评来约束过错方。
Financial markets are usually regulated through well enforced securitieslaws, like the ones Americaintroced ring the Depression; or through self-regulation, as in America before the Depression and in London's AlternativeInvestment Market today. For many years academics focused more on laws,believing that exchanges pursued members' interests rather than those ofinvestors. But a landmark study by Paul Mahoney, of the University of Virginia,a decade ago began to shift support towards self-regulation. Privately runmarkets have an interest in safeguarding investors, because that is the bestmeans of increasing listing and trading volumes and thus of generating morefees. When exchanges were run by the state, it was not clear whether theself-interest worked in that way.
通常,金融市场的管制是通过高效执行的证券法来实现,比如美国在大萧条时期所展示的那样;或者通过市场自律来实现,比如美国在大萧条之前和在今日伦敦的可替换投资市场。许多年来,学术上把注意力更多的集中在法律上。但在10年前,来自维吉尼亚大学的Paul Mahoney的一项里程碑式的研究,却把支持力量转向了自律。当交易所由私人经营时,捍卫投资者就是它的一项自身利益,因为这样是最好方法以增加注册公司和交易额,并因此获得产生更多的收费。而当交易所由政府经营的时候,其自身利益是否能产生这样的效果就很难确定了。
When China'stwo stock exchanges were created in 1990, the chief goal was to use private savingsto restructure state-owned firms. Investors received only minority stakes andlimited sway over corporate governance. Equally important, both exchanges wererun by bureaucrats, so there were fewer incentives to increase their value byattracting companies and punters. There was little effective competitionbetween them.
Over the past 18 years, Chinahas introced rules against market manipulation, fraud and insider dealing,but enforcement remains patchy. The China Securities Regulatory Commissionseems competent but overwhelmed. Sometimes it takes years to issue penaltiesafter lengthy investigations—and along the way cases lose relevance.
In the meantime, the exchanges have quietly begun to acquire authority.The power that they wield appears flimsy—the most serious penalty they can levyis a rebuke to firms and indivials through public notices. But it isremarkably effective in a country with a long history of punishment byhumiliation—think of the cangue, a rectangular slab around the neck, inpre-Communist times and nce caps in the Cultural Revolution.
Messrs Liebman and Milhaupt write that between 2001 and 2006 the exchangespublicly criticised 205 companies and almost 1,700 people. They looked at theshare prices of the targeted firms both when they disclosed the conct forwhich they were being criticised and when the criticism was published. Theadmissions typically preceded the rebukes, and in the few weeks that followedthe firms' share prices underperformed the Shanghai stockmarket by an average of up to6% (see left-hand chart). After the criticism, there was a further lag of up to3% on average (see right-hand chart).
Messrs Liebman和Milhaupt写到,在2001和2006年之间证交所公开批评了205家公司和近1700个人。他们观察目标公司的股票价格变化,包括它们披露其受到批评的行动的时候和针对他们的批评被发布的时候。正常情况下是公司承认在先,随后的几周内这家公司的股票价格平均低于上海市场近6%(见左图)。而随后的公共批评,在一定的延迟下又可以让它继续下跌平均3%(见右图)。
Using evidence from extensive interviews, Messrs Liebman and Milhauptpoint to other damage too. Raising money through equity markets and banksbecame more costly, and sometimes impossible, for companies that had beencriticised. Suppliers and customers also took a tougher line. Some people lost theright to be a director or senior manager, and suffered from pariah status in acountry where there is little pity for failure. The criticisms were sometimeseven a prelude to formal investigations by the regulatory authorities.
更广泛地调查取证后,Messrs Liebman和Milhaupt指出还存在着其他的损失。因为公司被批评,它从银行和股市融资将变得更加困难,有时候甚至无法融资。供应商和消费者也会更加决绝。有些人将失去成为总裁或高管的机会,还会在这个对失败者没有同情心的国家承受千夫所指的痛苦。批评有时候甚至是监管机关正式调查的前奏。
Criticism may count for a couple of reasons, the authors suggest. Amid thevacuum of information in China,any hint of bad news is likely to be seized upon. And, in a state-run economy,it is never good to be unpopular with the authorities.
From an academic point of view, more intriguing is that the exchanges havebegun to regulate themselves even though they are not private. This suggeststhat there is room, even in countries with authoritarian governments, for newforms of governance to emerge when laws fail. It is quite conceivable that theexchanges may become better regulators than the official ones.
『捌』 有篇关于股市方面的英语文章翻译!(不要是网上和有道那里的翻译,请英语高手帮忙)
『玖』 急求!一篇关于股票价值投资或投资风险方面的外文文献翻译!要中英文对照的,中文3000字以上外文10000字符